Bavaria Towers

Web App for Expo Real. Concept, design and development of TYPO3 based Web App. In cooperation with STERN Wiesbaden.

Web App with advanced animations and functionalities with a native App look & feel developed for Expo Real

TYPO3 driven Web App for Expo Real: image galleries, videos, floorplans, virtual walk, optimized for touchscreen and tablets.


Native App look & feel, advanced site and menu animations, ajax preload functions, image and video galleries, virtual tour, extention for interactive campus map including hotspots, zoomable floorplans, multi language, TYPO3 CMS, optimized multitouch screens and tablets


TYPO3, JS, PHP, Ajax

Weitere Projekte


Real Estate Project Website

ViE Laende

Real Estate Project Website

Warsaw Towers

Real Estate Project Website